Quest for Essential Tremor

August 14, 2018

Quest is a questionnaire about the quality of life in essential tremor and those who suffer from it’s symptoms. Essential tremor has been found to diminish functioning and quality of life, but generic quality of life measure might be relatively insensitive to essential tremor and the types of therapies used to treat it. Medical professionals sought to develop an essential tremor specific measure that might be more acceptable to patients, brief, and easy to use. 

Quest was developed by a sample of 200 patients, who rated the extent that tremor impacts their function, where the tremors were most severe, perceived health, and overall quality of life. After the factors were looked at by medical professionals and those conducting the study, they were able to find a scale to measure the quality of life and self-rated tremor severity. 

Quest (quality of life in essential tremor questionnaire) asks questions that are measured in categories of none, mild, moderate, marked, and severe. It also uses a scale of never, rarely, sometimes, frequently, always, or not applicable to measure a patient's quality of life. We have included the link to quest here so that you can test your own quality of life and symptoms, then take it to a medical professional to help you evaluate and determine next steps.

Quest can be found at , which is the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. Their motto is advance, improve, educate, and collaborate, which they do through education, resources, access to journals, donations, and memberships to the society. 

If you are interested in learning about how they score quest, you can check the link below and find out more.

The questions are divided into categories of communication, work and finances, hobbies, physical and psychosocial. Depending on what you scored on the questionnaire, the points are then combined and divided by total possible points. The scoring than allows for medical professionals to evaluate your current circumstance and explore options as far as treatment and therapies to help with symptoms to improve your scores in all aspects of your life and the questionnaire. 

Being a self-assessment, even if you do not want to take it in to a medical professional, you can score it and set goals to improve your scores and certain aspects of your lifestyle that you want to change. As a free resource, quest is a great way to evaluate your own life and what you want to achieve in your essential tremor symptoms and treatment. Creating a treatment plan with quest is a great way to set yourself up for success. After a few months of a specific treatment, take the quest assessment again and see if your score improves. If not, reevaluate and try again. Using it as a tool is a good way to work with your essential tremor and provide your medical provider with more information as to what you suffer with everyday. 
